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Thread: Techniques -- Jigging Shallow water bays or ocean

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2008

    Default Techniques -- Jigging Shallow water bays or ocean

    Several of our newest members have mentioned that they appreciate coming here, but feel somewhat intimidated by our members who have years of experience, and know how to modify their fishing for different situations.

    That's a good point. If you are inexperienced, you can be nearby an angler who is using the same setup as you, and outfishing you 5 to 1. I decided to set up a series of threads to help our newest members learn "How" and "Why". The "where" will be your responsibility.

    If we can teach you how and why, then we have accomplished our goal of helping people to become better anglers. Anyone is welcome to join in, and give their feedback on what works for them in different conditions.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2008


    If the water is shallow, I downsize my offering. I will use an a007 ava if the bait is small, and water is relatively shallow. I cast out, let it hit bottom, and jig it up, giving it short hops, trying to stay close to bottom.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2008


    I fish small avas a lot as well. I have been able to nail bass when other people are using topwater in the middle of a bluefish blitz. I try to keep it close to the bottom, and sweep my rod to the side to keep it there. Jig up slightly, sweep, reel slack, repeat. It looks like a sandeel or small baitfish, and if you fish the edge or behind the blitz, you will nail bass.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2008


    There is another technique that some people were talking about. You take a bucktail and put it at the end of a float, maybe 3 or 4 feet down depending on the depth of the water where you are. I think they said it works best on the outgoing, from the top of the tide to to 2 hours after.
    You sling it out there, and hop the bucktail back by popping the float. Maybe it's called float jigging or something similar. I never did it but it seems like it might give you that extra edge with fluke or weakfish when the fish are picky. I'm going to try it this spring.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2008


    I like that float jigging idea storminsteve. I think I'll try that at night in one of my favorite rivers.

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