Darters cast well and are for use in fast moving water and rips>

To fish them cast your plug approx. 45 degrees to your left or right depending on water movement>If the water is moving right to left cast to the right & vice versa.

You need to keep your line tight as the plug drifts by you may get a taker,as it continues past when it gets almost parallel to the structure you are fishing the plug will start to dig in start a slow retrieve.If the plug stops digging in your reeling to fast or your out of the water movement.I'll call water movement because tides and currents are 2 different creatures.But it needs to be moving.

If you go to Montauk don't leave home w/o them.I like yellow,white,green and black over orange the herring color is good but we can leave that under white.

Again I'm a superstrike guy I did get some Tatoos Darters but haven't been able to try them out.Another is the yozuri mag darter very small in comparison to the standard darter not really suited for cranking water its better suited for close up beach fishing it doesn't cast all that well and to me is more like a popper and swimmer combo rather than a darter.