This thread will be used to inform and discuss OBX issues. One problem looming right now is the Audobon Society banding together with other groups to try to restrict, or close access. Below is a public meeting scheduled for April 3, 2008. Those who can make it are urged to go and register their opinions.

Remember: Access, once lost, is rarely regained!

(Save our Seashore)
Southern Environmental Law Center, representing Defenders of Wildlife and the
National Audubon Society recently filed for a preliminary injunction in U. S. District Court requesting that beach driving be banned at the most popular recreational areas of the Cape Hatteras National Seashore.

If the requested injunction is issued the following areas would be

closed to all recreation

all of Oregon Inlet,
all of Cape Point,
all of South Beach,
all of Hatteras Inlet,
all of North Ocracoke and
all of Ocracoke Inlet.
These areas would be closed to all beach driving
all year long
until a new protected species plan is approved which would mean that these year around closures could last as long as
3 years or more.
The injunction has been filed because in the opinion of these environmental groups ORV use, even though limited in these areas under the current NPS and USF&W approved Interim Species Plan, is not protective enough “to allow birds to rest, nest and raise chicks”.

The court will be hearing this case on April 3, 2008.

Dare County, Hyde County and CHAPA will continue to do everything in

their power to defend beach access at the Cape Hatteras National Seashore.

This information is provided as a public service by:


Cape Hatteras Access Preservation Alliance
United Four Wheel Drive Associations, Recreational Fishing Alliance and American Sportfishing Association

Some links for you folks. Please get involved!

Beach driving info --

Beach Access info --