
So glad to see that you are promoting this. It really seems to have taken off for the organizers of this wonderful program.

Thanks To Corporal, Soldiers Heal By Going Fishing

Joel Thomas
At the Fishing and Hunting Show in Arlington, where consumers shop for the tools to land a trophy fish, one man asked for donations to help soldiers reel in their lives.

Fort Hood Army Corporal Alexander Armor takes soldiers, physically and emotionally wounded in combat, fishing when they return to the United States.

Professional fishermen volunteer their time and equipment to the program called simply, 'Take A Soldier Fishing'.
"Without the support of the community and individuals none of these trips would work," Armor said. "But we've had an outstanding response. And it makes these soldiers realize how much people do care. And it gives them a therapy. Being outdoors helps them."
Cpl. Armor set up a booth to collect donations at the Fishing and Hunting Show. Nestled between vendors selling hunting and fishing supplies, Armor's booth had a simple computer screen with a slideshow of photographs. There are images of deployed soldiers in camouflage uniforms posing as a group, many with the somber weary faces that come from combat.

As the slideshow continues, the image fades and is replaced by a picture of men standing on a boat holding a long stringer, with several fish hanging from it. They are smiling and their eyes sparkle.

Armor says the fishing trips have a huge impact on people, even on a soldier who hadn't smiled and hardly spoken for six months after his return from combat.
"As soon as his foot touched that boat you saw a grin crack on the corner of his lip," Armor said of the demeanor of the soldier. "And we drove by him later on the water and he was grinning ear to ear and he was laughing, talking to these people, reeling in nice little fish. And from that day on he's had a positive outlook on life. He's smiling every day. [It's] all from one fishing trip. It's a way to remind them they're human. Remind them that the world isn't out to get them anymore. And that they can actually enjoy and live their life."
In 2008, 'Take A Soldier Fishing' took more than 300 soldiers on fishing trips.

Take A Soldier Fishing is a non-profit organization and can be reached at 678-779-5700.