Quote Originally Posted by Monty View Post
Bloody Skunk....

When a fishing effort results in no fish caught and blood is spewed in some way while fishing.

Similar to this report:

Started off 2 hours before leaving for the trip with one of my cats trying to jump over my shoulder and missing, no big deal, 2 scratches down the side of my face, bleeding stopped on 15 minutes.
Started fishing bay side at 1:30 AM, fished for 30 minutes, saw lightning, headed back to the Honda, moved to the ocean, no lightning Fished a few areas, worked way down the beach around a mile, was walking around end of a jetty and the sand caves in a foot or 2 , then 2 seconds later caves in further, I reach out onto rocks, slam reel on rocks, stop free fall. Climb out, fish more, work way back to Honda, no action (bleeding of ankle has stopped). Decide to go bayside and scout out an area that I have never fished. Walking the shoreline to the area, there was a soccer game going on water side (its 8:30 AM), a guy is running right at me, I lower my shoulder and when he hits me he crumbles to the ground, gets up and apologizes (no blood ). I get to my spot wade pretty far out, no action but am happy just to be fishing.. I decide to try a different path to get to shore, all is well almost there and the next thing I know I go from a nice sand bottom to sinking in mud, climb out of the mud, retrace original path and get to land. Am finished fishing at 10:30. Bloody skunk for me. But live to fish another day
I have been in sand that has been very soft, like quick sand. This hole I fell in was completely covered, very dangerous.
Well that's fishing,,,,,,,

Quote Originally Posted by DarkSkies View Post
Monty Marathon....
A Marathon fishing trip,
6 hours or more.......
with a Monty at the end....
Monty you should write a book on your travels, would be awesome. Like Gullivers travels but you could call it Googan travels.