I'll be one of the first ones to go out on a limb and predict they will shut this access off. I was there a while ago, it's one of my favorite places to visit.

I predict, that when the construction starts, that will be enough reason for the developer to shut it down to users who now enjoy it, for "safety" reasons.

There are those out there who may argue I'm jumping the gun, and why give the developer any ideas?

My point: the new DEP rulings give towns and certain entities the permission to restrict access, without challenge or support from the DEP.

In this game of chess that now is our fishing public access, I predict this will be one of the first dominoes to fall.

The DEP will not protect us any more in access issues like this one.

If you're mad as hell about it, don't be mad at me. I already know people living in that area who would be happy if all access is shut to fishermen so they can fish in peace and quiet, and not worry about the guy next to them ruining it for everyone.

I truly don't feel that way. I hope this never happens. I'll be relieved if things don't go down that way, and the developers don't close this access path.

However, now IMO they have a precedent for restricting access with the new ruling once construction starts. Don't expect they won't take advantage of it.