Pure arrogance.Montauk itself is not LOADED with striped bass are there bass of course but loaded is a gross understatement.The Viking usually fishes Block Island Sound for bass.This is actually what the law says.

It is legal to "possess" bass in block island sound, including federal waters if within the boundary from Montauk light to SE light BI to Point Judith. You do not need to return to RI shore from montauk then head west to return to the westerly area.

The following is the exceptin from the NOAA site

Atlantic striped bass – EEZ fishery regulations
Recreational and Commercial fisheries -

EEZ closed to all striped bass possession or fishing. Atlantic Striped Bass may not be fished for, harvested, retained, or possessed in or from the EEZ. One exception - within Block Island Sound, possession of Atlantic striped bass is permitted, provided no fishing takes place from the vessel while in this EEZ area and the vessel is in continuous transit through the area. This area is north of a line connecting Montauk Light, Montauk Point, NY, and Block Island Southeast Light, Block Island, RI; and west of a line connecting Point Judith Light, Point Judith, RI, and Block Island Southeast Light, Block Island, RI.

Quite honestly I've never fished on any of their boats.I have a preferred boat out there that I fish on.