St Jude's Prayer for Pebbles Dad.............who suffered a severe stroke......
please pray for him if you can.......
We are trying to get through this, one day at a time....

For those who most need our prayers --
those who will die today. For the poor, the
sick, the jobless, for those in jail, for those
suffering from loneliness or depression. For
those suffering with marriage or divorce problems.
For those suffering from life threatening
such as cancer, heart diseases,
diabetes, leukemia or AIDS. For those suffering
from addictions to drugs, alcohol, gambling or
gluttony. For all of these we offer our prayers.

Let us pray:

Consider, Oh Lord, Your faithful ones,
suffering from bodily and mental affliction,
and refresh the lives which You have created,
that by being bettered by suffering, they may
ever be conscious of Your merciful salvation.

May the Lord, Jesus Christ, be with you to
guard you, within you to preserve you, before
you to lead you, behind you to watch you,
above you to bless you. Who lives and reigns
with the Father in the Holy Spirit in Eternity.

May the blessing of Almighty God, Father,
Son and Holy Spirit descend upon you
and remain for all time. Amen.