I have lost track of the exact number of years, but I think today is the 33rd Sobriety anniversary for me......

I. Looking back- keeping the memory Green....
I remember it as being 1982.....about the year when the striped bass were in a severe crisis first time....Right on the cusp of the moratorium.....(so doing the math it must be 33 years)

Of course I wasn't fishing for bass back then.....Sex, Drugs, Alcohol, and Rock and Roll were the prime focus of my life...together with going to school...but sometimes school was on the back burner......as my Addictions took over all in my life....

My life was unmanageable....and I was headed for certain death......on that path....I would have argued that point with you...but in proving it I could have died....and almost did...a few times....

I am very lucky to be alive...very grateful to have survived......despite all the odds...and a few friends being taken before their time, over the years.....

II. How it Works for Me...

One Day at a Time is still the best advice I can give someone..especially the newcomers....
It isn't always easy.......
And I don't do it well all the time..but my self-awareness. for the most part....is much better......
We, as addicts and alcoholics, have certain things that cause addictive behavior...triggers......and certain ways of justifying behaviors that can lead to worse addictions.....

1. There are all types of addictions out there...
Drugs...Alcohol, Sex, Food...Smoking....
Shopping, Gambling..Sports......
You can even be addicted to Chocolate, or Caffeine....anyone who has gotten a headache after drinking coffee all week....and cutting down on the weekend...will understand my words here.....

2. Sadly to say....
Fishing can even be an addiction....though most would argue it is a healthy addiction....but I know all too well, the consequences of fishing too much....when the bite is hot I have thrown myself into that mode...and my life has sometimes suffered.....

3. The internet can also be an addiction.....

4. It can also be addictive to help others all the time...putting their needs before your own.....
The balance, is knowing when to be selfish...and concentrate on yourself...before others...
One of the laments I have about modern society and the current dynamics...is that many out there....are more selfish than I remember....and avoid getting involved, or helping someone in need....
I am happier remembering 30 years ago..when folks seemed more willing to help others...

But, as JimmyZ frequently says..."It is what it is."

I think we all have to find a balance out there, that works for us...
If you recognize yourself in any of the phrases I mentioned above....
Feel free to comment....you don't have to be an addict, or alcoholic.....to have addictive tendencies....or participate in addictive behavior.....
Sometimes it helps to just talk about it......

Or...anyone reading...at any time....feel free to PM me in confidence...being assured of discretion and confidentiality....
And someone to listen...if you are in Crisis about anything going on in your life....
Feel free to reach out...I will help if I can.....