Quote Originally Posted by DarkSkies View Post
This thread was reading had a lot of interest and commentary. All of it seemed respectful. I didn't see one post that seemed mean or slanderous of a captain or a boat.It was over 2 pages long.

I tuned in this morning, to check the latest, and the whole thread was gone. They didn't just moderate a few posts, they deleted the whole freaking thread. No arguments, fights, or untrue accusations which soometimes require moderation.

So I'm left with the conclusion that the moderators felt this thread was not complimentary to some of the paid advertisers, and simply wiped the whole thread out of existence.

That's kind of sad. The guys who tune in there to read the reports may not be aware of that. They may read the reports that are left, and think the cod fishing in the Montauk to RI area is on fire.

And it's not.

I just wanted to make a note of that. If whole reports can be removed based on the whim of moderators, what does that say about the integrity of the site? Is it report driven, or advertiser and revenue driven?? And I understand the need to pay the bills on a site...but should that need come before the integrity of honest reports?

Don't believe every report as gospel, people.

I know people who fish up there regularly. Some of them are skilled fishermen, and they have all had bad days. There's nothing wrong with that. We all strike out at one time or another.

But to sweep honest discussions about the quality of the fishing under the rug, just to keep a steady stream of guys going up there?

I guess they're thankful many guys don't pay close attention to all the reports, or have as good a memory as I do.

I was reading that thread too, Dark, and today it's gone. Northeast Nazis, I call them. You can't say one thing against an advertiser there. And you're right, nothing in that thread was a mailicious slam of any boat on that board, it was all honest opinions. Nazis.