Shown below are the basic components and tools needed to assemble your own spinnerbaits. Spinnerbaits are a very popular lure that are often used when fishing for bass and pike. These lures are easy to assemble and inexpensive to make. Landing a fish on a lure you personally designed is especially rewarding. Good Fishing!


Round bend pliers have special jaws that make smooth round loops. Select the plier model by the size of wire you want to bend. You will also need some heavy wire cutting pliers to cut the stainless steel shaft. Split ring pliers are handy for attaching the split ring to the spinner blade.

Frequently Asked Questions
  • Why use an open or closed eye spinnerbait wire?
Closed eye wires are commonly used when you want to use a snap. Snaps are considered easier and quicker to use when changing baits. Open eye wires require that your line be tied directly to the lure. Many fishermen feel this method will produce less tangles.
  • Can I use a larger blade?
(Example. A #8 Colorado on a 1/8 oz. head)

Maybe. When you use a large blade with a small head, you must adjust your retrieve speed to very slow. A fast retrieve with this set-up would cause the bait to run incorrectly. It is best to experiment with various combinations of blades and heads and monitor your results.
  • What is the best swivel to use?
Ball bearing swivels are the best available. We feel they are a must on blade sizes of 3 or smaller. Roller swivels offer a good spin at a very economical price. It is best to try both types and see which suits your needs and your budget.
  • What is spacer tubing?
Spacer tubing is used in place of beads or a coil spring on a tandem spinnerbait to keep the tandem spinner blades from hitting each other. The sequence of components is: Bead-Clevis-Bead-Tubing. Tubing will simply give a different look to your lures.
  • What are trailer hooks and can I add them to my spinnerbait?
A trailer hook is a large eye hook that is placed over the hook which is already molded into your spinnerbait head. Trailer hooks help you hook fish that short strike your spinnerbait. Trailer hookscan be added very easily by slipping the large eye of the trailer over the main hook. Latex tubing is used to hold the hook in place.
  • Can I add rattles to my spinnerbait?
Yes, single and double rattles can easily be added with the rattle collar systems we offer.