6. Turn the water back on, check your work for leaks. Sometimes you need to tighten an extra 1/4 trun on the nut, don't overtighten.

Step back and admire, pat yourself on the back for saving $50.

I started these threads for people who are competent enough to do their own repairs. Only you know the depth of your skill set. Sometimes it's not a bad idea to call a plumber if you're not sure. People complain about the prices some people charge, but it 's an honorable job like anything else, and the guys need to make a living. They get things done so quickly because they have been doing it for years, and know the tricks to do good job and effiiently use their time.

Also, you should ask yourself how quick you are at getting projects done. A good plumber or contractor will come in, get it done, and be out of your hair, letting you focus on other things.