An update --


Meeting Summary
The Board met to receive updates on several items. Cooperative research, involving industry spotter pilots from Omega, Ark Bait, and state and federal scientists, was initiated during the 2008 season. Spotter pilots submitted to scientists weekly logs that record observed number of schools and estimated number of fish per school. The scientists in turn are developing indices to track relative abundance over time. Improvements in the research can be made for the 2009 season with a modest investment of funds. The Board confirmed the members and purpose of a Chesapeake Bay Menhaden Guidance Group that it created at its October meeting. The Group’s long term goal is to identify research and monitoring programs to support assessment and management and to develop and implement a long term funding strategy. The Board also received an update on the Policy Board’s intent to task the Management and Science Committee and Multispecies Technical Committees with monitoring this issue. The Menhaden Board will discuss specific guidance for those Committees at its May meeting.

The benchmark stock assessment for menhaden is scheduled for peer review in March 2010.

The next step in that process is a data workshop meeting in May 2009 to compile data and continue discussion about which model or models will be used in the assessment. The Board approved Ron Lukens’ appointment to the Advisory Panel as a representative for Virginia.
No motions made.