Just off the top of my head I have Tusamis, Hahns, Domssons, Super Strike, Capt. Bills, Bombers, Tony Spinas amongst others whos plugs catch fish.
All of these cost no more that $15 (most of those for around 10).
I was caught up in that phase paying 20-30 bucks per plug.....at one time.
Some day will make my own.
And for those who want the plugs that cost 2x these, I think thats fine(not that it matters what I think), but the point I was trying to make is the confidence in the plug improves the aproach in locating fish and the presentation. When you believe you will catch fish, the odds are much better you will.
Example, Out of 100 casts with an RM Smith I catch nothing, out of 100 casts with your rip splitter I catch 2 fish. What do I have cofidence in, what do I fish better with. I just do not have a feel for an RM Smith, others probably clobber fish with them.
Others fish Bucktails ALL the time and catch 10x the fish I do.