Someone I know of got washed off a jetty last night.

He got a 38# bass, made it back to the shoreline, and went back out to keep up with the bite.....and shortly after got washed off.......

I have been dying to fish the ocean, but the swells have been too big and dangerous. With all the dangerous situations I have put myself in over the years, I have tried to learn from them....

As a result, I have a policy of always wearing a PFD when I may fish different areas at night including rocks.
I also make it a policy not to fish if the swell is over 4', (preferably fishing 2-4')....after last Winter during a storm I was almost washed off in a big swell.

I had to climb back up by myself, and it really knocked some sense into me........

Here is the reply I wrote.

I hope some of you new guys will take heed of this advice.....

"I hear ya....

I know you're upset, and probably mad at yourself...but only you can learn these lessons,,,and IMO you can't learn in a seminar or having someone tell have to go through it.

I'm embarassed to admit how many times I've gotten washed off a jetty, or almost washed off.... or taken a fall and smashed the back of my head..... Sometimes seeing stars.

Doing that, taught me to walk around like an ape with knees bent, if conditions are bad. Also I learned when the water is big, to only fish the ebb tide....

And I now have a rule I will only fish a jetty if the swell report says 2-4'...otherwise I feel it makes presentation tough.....and as you said, no fish is worth your life.....

Believe me you aren't the only one this has happened to.
The 38# fish was nice, but not as important as your life, or the people you would leave behind if you didn't make it home at night.....

A few more thoughts,
since I see that you, like I, fish alone...

1. Always write an itinerary, and leave it at home with your wife or girlfriend in case they have to do a search for you.

2. When the surf is too big, stay home, use your judgement to decide, only you know the level of risk you are williing to take.

3. If the surf is fishable but big, try to have a policy of only fishing the dropping tide. That way if something does happen and you get wedged unconscious in a hole somewhere, there will be time for you to save yourself, or someone to find you. At 9:30 last night the tide was still coming in....try to think of that next time.....

4. Carry a phone with you in a sealed case, for emergencies.

5. Always wear a PFD...I'm kind of a proud guy, and felt like a sissy when I first wore mine. No more.... that PFD has saved me more than once, and I have no issues at all about wearing it now.....

Glad you are ok...
No fish is worth your life, or the pain caused to your loved ones if you do not come back alive.....

Be safe, learn from this, you may not get another chance....
Best wishes, thanks for the warning to others"....