Opening day for freshwater is April 11th.

R.I. freshwater fishing season opens April 11

PROVIDENCE — Rhode Island’s freshwater fishing season will begin at 6 a.m. on Saturday, April 11.

More than 20,000 anglers are expected to turn out at dawn on opening day, the Department of Environmental Management’s Division of Fish & Wildlife said.

About 67,000 two-year-old hatchery raised brook, brown and rainbow trout — with an individual weight of 1½ pounds — are being stocked by division staff in more than 100 ponds and streams.

In addition to the six regular ponds that are restricted to children 14 and younger, Cass Pond in Woonsocket and Slater Park Pond in Pawtucket will be open for children only for the first two days of the fishing season. A fishing derby for local children will be held at Cass Pond on Saturday, April 11.
A fishing license is required for anglers 15 and older. A Trout Conservation Stamp is also required to keep or possess a trout or to fish in a catch-and-release or “fly-fishing only” area.

Fishing licenses and the $5.50 Trout Conservation Stamp can be obtained at any city or town clerk’s office or authorized agent such as bait and tackle shops and Benny’s. A current list of license vendors is available on the DEM Web site,, by clicking on “Hunting, Fishing, Boating Licenses” from the top left of the homepage, and scrolling down to “Hunting/Fishing Agents.”
Licenses may also be obtained at the DEM’s Boat Registration and Licensing Office, 235 Promenade St. Anglers may also buy their fishing licenses online via, which can also be reached through the freshwater fisheries page on DEM’s Web site.
License fees remain at $18 for Rhode Island residents and current members of the armed forces; $33 for a combination hunting and fishing license, $35 for nonresidents; and $16 for a tourist three-consecutive-day license. Anglers over 65 must have a license, which for them is free, but do not need a trout stamp. The license is also free for anyone with a 100-percent disability.
A list of stocked ponds and other information of interest to anglers can be found on DEM’s Web site. Click on “Fish and Wildlife” under “Offices and Divisions,” then choose “Freshwater Fisheries,” then “Trout Stocked Waters.”