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Thread: Access: Raritan Bay, Is it worth fighting for?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2008

    Default Access: Raritan Bay, Is it worth fighting for?

    So we now have significant usable pieces of the Raritan Bay shut down or on the way to having access restricted.

    1. Laurence Harbor: We have the Laurence Harbor area, from Sayreville to Cliffwood, which is being partially fenced in now, and the rest of that area which may be fenced by the time they decide how much lead is there, and have committee meeting after committee meeting deciding how many more studies they should run. Look for more of that area to be shut down in the future.

    2. Cliffwood Beach:There is part of Aberdeen's Cliffwood area recently shut down because of the littering, pizzing in public, and all the other disrespect some careless fishermen have heaped upon the residents there.

    3. Union Beach: There is the famous section of Union Beach, called Pebble Beach, where generations of fishermen have been fishing, but for some reason the new generations think it's ok to treat the place like a trash dump, burning tires, plastic, paper, and having a complete disregard for the future enjoyment of others.

    4. Atlantic Highlands: There is the rock jetty at the harbor inlet that was shut down a few years ago. Guys used to fish that place all the time. Someone fell, got hurt, and sued the marina, so now it's fenced off. Security guard told me you set foot on there, they will call the police and have you arrested.

    5. Belford: The Belford Co-op, which owns the concrete docks there, was nice enough to let people fish that broken concrete for years. someone fell, sued them, and now it's off-limits. Of course, people migrated to the jetties and another area over there. The last 2 summers have been horrendous. It was like a circus down there. People brought their tents, dogs, kids, and overnight bags. I got nothin against bringing kids to the beach, but man you can't camp overnight there!!!

    It's only a matter of time before those homeowners get together with the police chief and ask him to enforce littering or other violations, or look for some obscure violations to harass people so they won't treat that place like a campground at Woodstock.

    I haven't been to Pebble Beach for years because of the crowding. I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say with the other closures, more fishermen will be driven to these other places, and a popular place like Pebble Beach will be closed or have severe parkiing restrictions in place by the middle of this year, or by the spring of next year.

    Fishermen just don't get it. Joe used to say that Access, once lost, is rarely if ever regained. Maybe people don't understand that concept because they're not used to losing access in NJ.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2008


    hell yes we use it so if we dont fight for it who will for to long the bay was a cess pool now its a whole lot better so if we get shut out now it may stay that way and we would not want that so we all nee to do our part

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2008


    For those who don't read the NY forums, for the past year I have involved myself with other fishermen groups, fighting for access in Brookhaven, LI.

    Brookhaven thread

    The short version:

    Why should I, or you, give a rat's azz about some snobby beach in LI? Who among us will ever fish there?
    I know I'll never fish there, and I honestly didn't care about that frikkin place until I realized something....
    If they can close access to fishermen in LI, they can (and will) do it in NJ!!! Remember St Alphonso's and Pullman Ave in Long Branch last year, closed because of the insane behavior of fishermen.

    So that's why I got involved, and keep getting involved in Brookhaven, Laurence Harbor, Long Branch and the ocean areas, etc. I wasn't satisfied enough with ranting about it on the internet. I saw that when fishermen organize with other groups, we can present a force that people will have to deal with.

    There's other groups out there doing the same thing, NJ Outdoor Alliance. Anthony Mauro, a member here, is a tireless spokesman for the outdoorsman. Then there's fishermens groups like the RFA, SSFFF for fluke, and many others.

    Well, I'm kinda busy with the job, wife, kids, fishin, etc, can't I just contribute money and let someone else take care of it?
    Doesn't work that way because this issue is about us, as fishermen, and the trash we leave behind, and the disresppecting of the property of people who live there.

    Well, what can I do about that, Dark? I don't litter, I don't disrespect property. It''s the other guys out there!!
    I completely agree, the people who love fishin are not the problem.

    But ranting about it on the internet doesn't solve things either. I wonder if a few of us would decide to be more vocal, WITHOUT causing a fight or putting yourself at risk, if it would eventually make a difference?

    Someone on another site suggested signs in Spanish and English to tell people littering ain't cool. A good idea, but how effective will that be?

    People do things because they feel they can get away with it. How about when you see someone littering, speak up, right then and there? If you don't feel comfortable, call the police with descriptive info and vehicle license number.

    There are many partying late at night, you'll never reach those people, they'll continue to litter until the fines are $1000 and enforced.

    But for the other people who we see littering, and can't be bothered, and then come to rant about it on the internet? What good does that do?

    So what's the point of my long-winded rant here?
    Well, like many of you, I felt powerless to do anything about this. I rationalized and said I can't do anything about the selfish actions of others. That may be true to some extent.

    But I can speak my mind, and organize with others who feel the same way. I'm asking anyone who reads this if they ever felt the same way. If "yes", then why not take a more active role in what's happening out there?

    I know some of this may seem corny or pointless, but originally I thought getting involved in Brookhaven was pointless. They recently had an election there, and the BS candidate that was partly responsible for the beach closure was not elected to the position he wanted.

    I apologize for the long-winded rant, but I'm tired of these places getting restriced because of the poor behavior of a select few.

    So we do have power to change things, people, even if we do by picking up one piece of trash at a time.

    I would appreciate any ideas others have. I know there are better ones out there than the ones I put out in this thread. Let's hear 'em. I can tell you now that with my involvement in these things, I feel like Im making a difference, though it's sometimes frustrating (and I miss a lotta fishin time because of it).

    Somebody's gotta do it. If you leave it up to "somebody" else, it won't get done.

    Click image for larger version. 

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  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2008


    HEY Sides glad to see this!!!!! We have had enough and are fighting back!!!We're starting at Cliffwood beach!!! I'm organizing an across the board clean up effort,and recruiting guy's and gals from our fishing community.I have posted this on other sites and have approched 2 different local fishing clubs.We have a member of On The Water magizine involved!!! We are still in need of help!!!!!!For anyone who fishes this area or wants to be a stewart of the beaches,walls,or bridges we haunt in search of our catch of a lifetime.Please get involved!!!!!!!I haven't scheduled the first clean upi as of yet I'm still drumming up intrest!!!!!!If you can spend even an hour,the help will not go unnoticed!!!! We need to show the public at large we are not animals!!!!! We could loose all rights here if we don't do something now!!!!!!!!!!

    POST UP NOW!!!!!!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2008


    I agree with everything you said here, Dark. We are the enemy, and we should speak up more when we see people abusing a place. I didn't realize all the involvement you had in Long Island as well. You must put a lot of driving miles on your vehicle, hope you got a hybrid. Nice effort, thank you for all you do.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2008


    Great work, DS. I'm not much of a surf guy, but your efforts have not gone unnoticed. Keep up the good fight. I'll tell you something about being discouraged, 15 years ago I started a business with no customers and no prospects. My father iin law constantly told me it wouldn't work. He's dead now, but the business gave me a comfortable living. I don't know how old you are, but if many of the younger kids today had the drive and determination you do, there might be less problems in the world. Don't give up, and thanks.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    Deliverance River, NJ


    Rich, as much as I try to harass you, you're doing a good thing here. Keep up the good work, and thank you.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jul 2008


    Thanks guys, I just got tired of seeing people rant about it on the internet and feeling there was nothing that can be done. There is strength in numbers, and I have seen enough results to keep me fighting for our rights.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Dec 2008


    As of now we have 12 guy's who said yes to helpin!!!!! I'm thinkin Saturday 4/18 to hit it!!!! Post up and let me know if the date is good for you and if there's anyone elese you think could come and help!!!!!! I don't have a start time yet I prefer morning!!!!

    Hey Hey readin these post's brings a tear to my eye!!! Can any of you guy's lend a hand to this effort???????We have to start somewhere and with 12 guy's already sayin yes I'm ready to go!! Clifwood is just the beginning!!!!



  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jul 2008


    darkskies, you did a great job at Brookhaven, I hope you can do the same thing here. Great work!

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    inside a wormhole, Mass.


    I say let em close it down, invite me down, and we'll yak all those spots by water. Are any of them radioactive yet? Just joking, Dark, keep up the good work.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Mar 2008


    Hey if you guys schedule some kind of cleanup, I'm in!

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Dec 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by cowherder View Post
    Hey if you guys schedule some kind of cleanup, I'm in!
    Hey Cowherder As of right now we're shootin for 4/18.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Mar 2008


    My friend was down around the Cliffwood area last night. He said that one park area by the rock wall was closed, but the other areas nearby, the pump station, and the leaf area, had people fishing. Maybe things have mellowed out a bit? Are they still giving tickets out?

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Jun 2008


    I agree, we gotta do something about this. Whats bothers me is we'll do all the work for us, but those guys whos making the mess will still fish there without moving their fingers.Not fair.

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Jul 2008


    Hey Lenny, that's why I'm kinda trying to ecourage guys to speak up when they're out there, say something to the people exactly when it happens. I'm not trying to start riots, or get people fighting with people. I don't want to see anyone put in a position where they're in jeopardy.

    Last season, we're fishin down there, and a bunch of rowdy fishin dudes let it out that one of them just got released from lockup. My girlfriend was a little nervous and wanted to go. Instead, I blended in, I can blend in anywhere, but these guys could have been dangerous, you never know when a conversation will turn from good to bad.

    I think the cleanup will be a start, but truthfully I don't think it will change anything. Cleanups are good for PR for the fishermen and to let the neighbors see there are some good guys out there. You get some good vibes out of it, and it's over.

    Meanwhile, the littering still continues, like you said, Lenny, And it sux to have to pick after selfish people all the time. We did that for years when we used to sneak into Split Rock reservoir before they opened it, took bags of trash out every time so the Rangers would maybe write a few less tickets, or give us some leniency if they caught us there.

    So you don't always get to see people littering, you can't stop it all. My point was, that IF we see someone littering or not bringing their trash out, we should speak up, as long as we're not endangering ourselves.

    One cleanup, or 2, or 3, it won't really make a difference in the long run.

    One person on the beach telling others not to litter, that won't make much of a difference either.

    What I'm trying to promote among all fishermen is a general attitude that this kinda stuff ain't cool, and that if we ALL speak up about it, there could be some change in the long run.

    I can't make people want to speak up, I can only suggest. I've learned over the years that many people would rather "leave it to the other guy".

    I just try to do my part, I don't count on that "other guy", because it's MY access thats being threatened.

    Maybe, by example, others will start speaking up too. Just maybe.

  17. #17
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    Sometimes I look at my posts after I'm done, and wonder if I could have said it better. What I've been trying to get across here isn't an original idea. I didn't come up with it, I'm just trying to get other people to consider it. It's something I've been doing for awhile now, trying to shame people into taking their garbage with them.

    There are other people doing the same thing. Last week I met a guy who stands near the path when litterers are leaving. He tells (not asks) them not to leave without their trash if he sees them littering. He stands his ground, and people listen.

    That might not work in every case, or be the wisest choice in all situations, but we gotta start somewhere. I think the shame that used to be attached to doing something wrong, or inconveniencing someone, has evaporated from a large segment of our society.

    If people have no problem dumping their kids dirty diapers in the Wal-mart parking lot, how can we expect them to pick up a clam bag or worm box at the beach?

    The answer, at least in my mind, is we need to bring back a sense of public shame for actions that affect others. It would be delusional to think we could affect everybody. There will still be slobs, and we will pick up after them if we want to keep a place respectable for all fishermen to use.

    But if a beach is filled with guys, one group litters, and you have 9 or 10 people telling them to pick it up, or not come back, I think people would get the message quick. Multiply that by the 10 or 15 popular spots in an area, and I think you would see a difference.

    Maybe it's crazy, maybe you think it'll never happen, but it ain't gettin any better all the years I've been seeing it. We gotta start somewhere.

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Mar 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by DarkSkies View Post
    One cleanup, or 2, or 3, it won't really make a difference in the long run.

    One person on the beach telling others not to litter, that won't make much of a difference either.

    What I'm trying to promote among all fishermen is a general attitude that this kinda stuff ain't cool, and that if we ALL speak up about it, there could be some change in the long run.

    I can't make people want to speak up, I can only suggest. I've learned over the years that many people would rather "leave it to the other guy".

    I just try to do my part, I don't count on that "other guy", because it's MY access thats being threatened.

    Maybe, by example, others will start speaking up too. Just maybe.
    Very well said, dark. We leave it up to the other guy there will be no spots left to fish.

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Dec 2008

    Default As OF NOW WE'RE ON!!!

    If your up for helpin we're on Saturday 4/18 starting at 8:00am.I'm missin my boy's soccer for this so I gotta know people are in!!!!

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Jul 2008


    Let's all plan for Saturday 4/18, 8:00 AM. Details will be posted here, we'll be meeting somewhere at Cliffwood, probably the main parking lot. If you can spare the time let's try to make this happen, guys.

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