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Thread: Penny pinchers thread

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2008

    Default Penny pinchers thread

    Times are tough, folks. We are in the midst of a recession, and inflation has not been tamed by the fed. Some of the biggest issues facing consumers are energy prices, rising healthcare costs, and escalating property taxes.

    Many people have had enough, and are leaving the Northeast states for states where the cost of living is more reasonable. For those of us who are left behind, I thought I would dedicate a thread to ways people are managing to cope, and any money saving ideas you have started to use.

    Any opinions and comments are welcome here, and please let's not pile on someone just because they may mention something unconventional, or it may seem weird to us. (Unless they suggest using less toilet paper, then I think they deserve whatever ribbing they get.)

    If this thread generates enough interest, I am thinking of creating a new forum to combine it with the "solar energy solutions" one.

    Maybe together we can come up with some decent ideas, or get people to consider different ways of doing things.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    staten island


    ok, I stopped going to starbucks and make my coffee now. I run it through twice cos I'm cheap, and like xtra strong cups

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    inside a wormhole, Mass.


    bought some of those cf lightbulbs, they will cut your elec costs.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2008


    Don't fall asleep with the TV on.
    Use Coupons.

  5. #5
    pinhead44 Guest


    "Use Coupons."

    I don't eat out much, but if I do, I try to use a coupon for the restaurant.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2008


    Pay all credit cards off in full or at least on time.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2008

    Default free samples

    Ask your doctor for free samples. Pharmaceutical companies flood doctors with samples of all kinds of expensive prescriptions. If your doctor doesn't offer, ask.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    New Jersey


    Quote Originally Posted by strikezone31 View Post
    Ask your doctor for free samples. Pharmaceutical companies flood doctors with samples of all kinds of expensive prescriptions. If your doctor doesn't offer, ask.
    as you get older, you will realize how important this is. My biggest expenses, after fishing and gas, are pharmacy expenses. Even with a good plan, you always are spending more than you thought.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    Central Jersey


    We recycle my ziploc baggies whenever possible (I don't if they've had meat in them, though, or something really smelly). We just wash them with the dishes and dry them. Plastic bags are expensive and this saves some bucks.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Mar 2008


    We skip the movie theater and wait for films to hit our local rental store.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Apr 2008


    We don't eat out anymore. We used to eat out two to three times a week.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    New Jersey


    We also have a large garden. Saves lots of $

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Mar 2008


    Don't run the dishwasher until it is full.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Mar 2008


    I eat bad food all the time, fast food lol. When they have specials, I go there. Krauszers on rt36 has coffee and butter roll for $1.49, that's breakfast. Can't beat it.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Feb 2008


    Buy multiples when things are on sale.

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Jun 2008


    I write down all the money I spent during the week. At the end of the week review to see where I could save more money.

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Mar 2008


    Got kids? go to this site to learn some places where kids eat for free.

  18. #18
    Join Date
    May 2008


    Wash your car in the driveway with a bucket of soapy water and rinse with the garden hose.

  19. #19
    pinhead44 Guest


    shower with a friend (don't know if someone already said this?)

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    Universal Studios

    Default 22 ways to beat rising food costs

    Don't know if everyone has noticed, but I've seen food in supermarkets go up by 15-25% in the last year alone. Found these tips on yahoo:

    While the need to eat isn't something you can avoid, there are some steps you can take to keep the costs in check.

    1. Eat at Home
    Dining out is an expensive proposition. Just about any nutritious meal that you buy in a formal restaurant can be made at home for a fraction of the price. Even good coffee is cheaper to make if you do it yourself. Fast food is excluded from the category, as high-calorie, low-quality food can be had a bargain price, but the impact on your long-term health overrides the benefit of short-term savings.
    2. Shop With a Plan
    If you stumble around the grocery store and fill your cart with everything that catches your eye, chances are you will spend a lot more money that you needed to spend. To minimize your cash outlay, prepare a shopping list before you leave home. Plan your meals for the week ahead, and make careful note of what you need to buy in order to prepare those meals. Once the list is made, purchase only the items on the list, and avoid impulse buys.
    3. Put on Blinders
    Grocery stores are designed to make you go through a maze to get to the most basic items you need in the hope that you will make a few impulse buys along the way. If you keep to your planned list of needed foods, you won't be tempted when you get forced down the junk food aisle to get at the milk. Because most necessities and basic cooking items are found along the outside perimeter of the store, start there and work your way around the edge of the store, only stepping into the maze to grab any leftover items on your list.
    4. Eat Before You Shop
    When you are hungry and you walk into a building full of food, there's a high likelihood that you are going to fill you cart with unnecessary and expensive purchases that appeal to your taste buds. To keep your costs down, eat first and shop on a full stomach.
    5. Avoid Prepared Foods
    Our fast-paced society encourages convenience, and the grocery store has capitalized on this trend. Ready-made meals are easy to buy, but come with a premium price tag. Instead of putting that rotisserie chicken and macaroni salad in you cart, buy the ingredients and prepare the meal yourself. The same concept applies to frozen entrées, baked goods and any other food that has been prepared in some way for added convenience.
    6. Skip the Bottled Water
    If you don't like the water that comes out of the tap, buy a water filter. The per-gallon cost is significantly less than the cost of bottled water - and without all the plastic bottles to discard, it's a lot easier on the environment.
    7. Shop Without the Kids
    Hungry, tired, cranky kids increase the amount of time it takes to get your shopping done. Every extra minute that you spend in the grocery store increases the likelihood of extra items finding their way into your cart, including toys and snacks designed to keep the kids quiet while you try to focus on finding a few bargains.
    8. Buy in Bulk
    Bulk buying can save you a significant amount of money. Pay attention to the prices and pick up the family size package if the per-unit cost is lower and you have a place to store it. Shopping at big-box bulk retailers like Sam's Club and Costco can also save on your bill if you shop there frequently enough to cover the cost of membership, but pay careful attention to your spending habits. The big boxes are often no bargain at all when compared to sales prices and coupon savings at other stores. In addition, they may encourage you to buy more than you need, driving up your grocery bill.
    9. Use Store Reward Cards
    If the store that you visit most frequently has a reward card, be sure to sign up. In some cases, stores raise their prices when they offer reward cards, and without the card your bill will certainly be higher. If the reward card offers other benefits, such as a ham for the holidays or a discount on gasoline, be sure to maximize your benefits by paying attention to the cutoff dates and cashing in your points before they expire.
    10. Use Coupons
    Coupons provide an easy way to save money. Clip them and cash them in, paying particular attention to stores that double the value of manufacturers' coupons. A number of websites also offer coupons exclusively, and they are a great place to search for discounts on the items you have on your list. If you frequent a website of your favorite brands, they will often offer discounts to their faithful public. A few minutes of surfing online can make a difference at the till.
    11. Buy Locally
    Locally grown or produced food is often available at a cheaper price because you don't pay for long transportation costs. Farmer's markets, fairs, and the local aisle at your grocery store are all game for deals on tasty and fresh food.
    12. Look Down
    Stores often place the most expensive items at eye-level. To find less expensive items, look down. Also, looking around your brand-name food can find you a cheaper generic alternative. Generic label products are often nearly identical to name-brand goods (in fact, they're often produced in the same factory), so don't pay for packaging when what you really want is the food inside.
    13. Avoid the End Caps and Checkout Temptations
    Those displays placed at the end of each aisle often feature premium brands. Rather than grabbing those high-priced batteries or that extra box of cereal, walk down the aisle. Chances are good that walking a few extra feet will reward you with a less expensive option.
    Many grocery stores now offer checkout lines that don't feature candy. Using these lanes not only helps you avoid the temptation to spend your money on sweets, but it also encourages a healthier lifestyle.
    14. Compare Prices and Stores
    Some consumers have trouble calculating the cost per unit in their heads, but it's something that gets a lot easier with practice. You can even carry a calculator. Looking at the brands and comparing prices is an easy way to shave a few cents off most purchases.
    The store that features the lowest average prices in your area is often the best place for routine shopping, but the higher-priced competitor may run sales on specific items that undercut the cost at your most frequented venue. Watch for these sales and take advantage of them when possible.

    15. Shop for Sales
    As mentioned above, sales can be a great incentive to switch stores – but only if you need the items on sale. Pay attention to sales on necessity items and stock up on non-perishables and freezer goods. Keep an eye on the prices so that you know when a sale price is merely a small savings or when it is a significant discount to the normal price.
    16. Watch "Best Before" or "Sell By" Dates
    As the "sell by" or "best before" date approaches, you are virtually guaranteed a discount. For example, grocery stores lower prices as meat ages. Ask the butcher when the meats get marked down. Most stores have a fairly regular schedule that you can learn and follow. When you get a good deal, stock your freezer so you can avoid buying when the price is high. And if you plan on freezing the food, "best before" dates shouldn't worry you; the product will stay fresh until you thaw and cook it.
    17. Substitute Recipe Items
    If you have a higher-priced item that reoccurs in your favorite recipes, it may be time to shake up your taste buds. Often a lower-priced alternative can be found. For instance, if you consistently bake with olive oil and you see that the price has skyrocketed, a simple switch to applesauce (something that you might even be able to make if you have an apple tree) is a great cheap and low-fat substitution for many recipes. To help decide on a cheaper substitution, see The Cooking Thesaurus.
    18. Keep Your Kitchen Stocked
    A well-stocked kitchen means that you won't run out of staple items and need to buy them on the spur or the moment. Knowing what you have in the cabinet means that you can wait to make your purchases until items are on sale.

    19. Shop Infrequently
    Reducing the number of trips that you make to the store each week or month reduces the odds of unnecessary purchases, and minimizes the amount of gasoline spent getting there.
    20. Pay Attention To Time
    Weekly sales often run from mid-week to mid-week. Hold off on your shopping until after you've had a chance to clip coupons from the Sunday paper and you'll not only enjoy the sales prices but you might also get a coupon. Shopping during the evening or early morning also helps you avoid the crowds and spend less time in the store.
    21. Pay In Cash
    When you put groceries on your credit card and don't pay off the card in full each month, you pay interest on the purchase. To avoid this extra cost, pay in cash when you shop and keep necessities off your credit cards.
    22. Check Your Bill
    Electronic scanners make the shopping experience faster and more convenient, but scanners aren't perfect. Be sure to take a look at the receipt to make sure your coupons and discounts were taken into account. Shop Smart
    Food is one of those purchases that you just can't avoid, but careful shoppers can minimize the amount spent on this necessary purchase. All it takes is a little time, patience and effort.

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