Today, I'm sitting there at this new launchin spot I found, end of the woods.

I see I have company, a homeless dude who enterprisingly takes bags of garbage from neighbors' houses, brings them into his crib in the woods, and picks through them for what he wants, throws the rest away in the woods.

When I first found that spot, I wondered how all those shoes and clothes got to be along the shore, now I know.

As I'm thinking how shabby this dude looks, I take a look at myself in the rear view mirror

No shave for 2 days, bunker blood on my shirt, I looked like I just got locked up for killing my family, or accused of keeping bodies in he basement, Jeffy Dahmer style.

So change your clothes, dude, and move on!

Thought I would put up some of this stream on consciousness stuff for the nomads out there.