Shorebound saltwater anglers face $7.50 license

by Willie Howard
At long last, Florida’s shoreline exemption appears to be going the way of the dinosaur.

The what? The shoreline exemption is the saltwater fishing license loophole that allows a Florida resident fishing from land or a structure attached to land, such as a bridge, to do so without buying a saltwater license.

Florida legislators moved to abolish the exemption this spring. If the legislation (HB 1423 and SB 1742) is signed by Gov. Charlie Crist, it will mean residents have to pay $7.50 for a shoreline license or simply purchase a full-blown saltwater fishing license for $17.

Yes, it’s a fee increase. But it beats the alternative — a $25 federal license that NOAA Fisheries Service would have required Florida anglers to buy if legislators had not taken action to eliminate the exemption for one group of saltwater anglers.
“It’s going to save almost a million anglers almost $20 million from federal fishing license fees,” said Ted Forsgren, executive director of CCA/Florida, the recreational fishing group.
The federal government is simply trying to build a data base of saltwater anglers so it can do more precise surveys of recreational fishing.

Another advantage: The saltwater license money will go to Tallahassee, not Washington.
A third advantage: Additional licenses sold will bring more federal matching money to Florida.

The Florida Wildlife Federation, the Snook Foundation and CCA/Florida all supported the elimination of the shoreline exemption, as they have in the past, and are urging Crist to sign House Bill 1423 and Senate Bill 1742.

Of course, residents who already pay $17 a year for a saltwater license won’t have to worry about buying a shoreline license. And any Florida resident who is under 16, over 65 or otherwise exempt will continue to be exempt from having to purchase a license.