man,I wish you all could have seen this battle,heavy current,fish kept diggin and MK was huffing/puffing like an old steam train.12 minutes of hard fighting is what he got.
I stopped fishing to watch him get beat was a great fight,taking line against a tight drag and straining muscles,,,wow,it beat him up.
I put the lipper on it and I could not lift it all the way up,I handed the lipper to him as I was on my knees and laying over the edge,it's a 2 foot drop to the water.
I gave the fish 35+ but,who knows,it swam away after a few minutes and we were happy.
I had more fun watching him get beat up than me catching it.
next spring we will do it again.


ps-once she was on shore,he collapsed right down on the ground,spent and tired,,,