R-P, some great stuff you and others are throwing up here. This is turning out to be an amazing thread.

Quote Originally Posted by Monty View Post
I lived in a lake (big pond) development. Had a great time fishing for perch and large mouth. Rubber worms, those jitter bugs. I remember my father catching a big bass on a jitter bug when I was about 9 or 10. Getting up early with him, trps to Wawayanda and swartswood. They were the glory days for sure.
Sometimes our best memories dont have to include larger than life or colorful characters. I have very few early memories of fishin with my Dad because he was always too busy or he got seasick. The ones I have are later in life when I took him fishin, instead of him takin me.

But these are all priceless, including the memories you have of your Dad, Monty. Whey they're gone, that's all we have left of them.