Fished a RB hotspot yesterday, incoming. Fishing sucked, tried to catch some z's before the ride home. When I woke up, there was a guy in a silver suv parked next to me. I felt kinda funny because he was waving at me, and didn't look like he was fishing, if ya know what I mean. Left the lot quickly at that point. Look, I'm not sure what the deal was, but just wanted to give you people a little advice out there. I thought this was only a problem in the Asbury 8th ave lot, but maybe not. If you see someone when you're fishing, and they don't look like they have fishing gear, and didn't come down just to sight see, or jog, or walk their dog, or walk the beach, ask yourself why they're being so friendly. Me, I don't wanna ask myself too many questions. When I get a creepy feelin, I go with my gut.

The lot I was in is was where they just did a cleanup. a big brown leather easy chair and couple bags of trash were waiting to be picked up. If you fish that beach, you would have to recognize that chair, been sitting there for awhile.