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Thread: Great Blackpowder afternoon

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    Rhode Island

    Default Great Blackpowder afternoon

    So I get home from work one day, and I'm a little early. My wife is watching TV, and I'm leaning on the breakfast bar that seperates the kitchen from the living room. Bored as hell. My wife looks at me and says, Go hunting. I say really? Right to the spare room, get changed grab the gun and head out the door.
    I head to my Bro-in-laws house 15 minutes up the road from me. My cell rings and it's my wife, she's on the house phone with her Mother, and tells me that there is a herd of Deer in the back feild, right where I am heading. My brother in law is taking pictures of them from his back yard!
    I get to the place I park, a dirt road that borders the proprty, and load up. I walk along the stone wall that runs paralell to the road. When I get to the area where there is a cut in the wall the vegetation thins and I can see 7 Deer in the open in the feild. I get down and sniper crawl the last 150 feet to the opening. I wrap the sling around my arm and roll into shooting position. I scan the opening through the scope and see 11 Deer. I set the cross hairs on the biggest one, a doe. Just then My brother in law snaps a picture and the herd spooks. They all move to the outer edges of the tree line, and the doe is out of sight. I set up on a small 4 point, the best shot available to me and get ready to squeeze. The big doe comes back into the feild, and I swing over to her. Squeeze the trigger and she goes down. I roll back out of sight and reload. I get up and scan the feild for her. I can't see her so I slowly get up and start walking across the feild. Scanning through the scope the whole time. To my left I spot a doe close to where I shot, thinking its her, her head is turned away from me, I put one right into her chest and watch her fold like an accordian. Not even a bleat. I reload again and continue slowly toward her. Important note here, I have 3 tags. All 3 can be filled with does, as Rhodie has a serious Deer problem. Continuing on to the Deer I can see laid down, still thinking its the one I thought I shot at with the first pull of the trigger, in disbelief because I NEVER miss. Another Deer becomes visible 70 yards into the woods, in the clear, broadside to me and looking away. Small doe. I raise up the gun, looking at her. She looks up and starts to walk straight at me. To scare gher I clear my throat. She keeps coming. I shoot her to clean up the gene pool, as I deem her too stupid to not end up on the grill.
    I reload again and continue on to the first Deer.

    What do I see?

    2 dead does side by side!

    Around 15 minutes after I got out of my truck, on the third day of Muzzle loader season, I'm done.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails 3deer.jpg  
    God is Great, Beer is Good, People are crazy.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2008
    Raleigh NC

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