Rip-plugger Aug 30, 2009


"got OTW at 5:40,tide was flooding hard,top of the flood is around 9:15.
I'm slinging a 9 inch super rip-runner[red with pink sidebands/gold
sparkles] out and winding it back with the tide.
after about 15 minutes I switch to an oddity of mine,don't have a name
for it but I'll attach a pic.
it's orange with a yellow top has a wide wag about it,not one of my
faves but,it has caught fish before.
4th cast with it and it gets smashed hard!
I am using the heavy stick and I hit this fish hard and bear down on
it digs in and there is no slip of my drag,I locked his *** up!
he was trying to get me over a pile of oyster shells,thats why I ,locked
him up.
I land him a nice,fat chopper about 10 pounds[pix].
I put on the super-duper rip-runner[chartreuse with pink sidebands,5-3/4
oz!@10 inches].
I cast about 5 times and I see a huge swirl behind it,the fish did this
2wice but no bite.

after about an hour and several plug changes,no more action so,I packed
up and headed for the chuck wagon!
thats it for now.
action shot to follow.

