Quote Originally Posted by 7deadlyplugs View Post
H2S is also why farts smell.

As far as diarrhea on your own hand- not too far fetched: the anal sphincter is a very smart muscle; with the proprioceptors it has, it can easily distinguish incompressible solids (e.g. poop) from compressible gasses (e.g. farts). That's how you just "know" when it's okay to let something rip. Trouble arises, however, when liquid is added to the equation: liquid, like solid, is incompressible. Therefore, your sphincter could send a message to the brain saying, "Okay! All's clear, solid poo comin' out!", when in fact it's really nearly a liter of messy, liquid squirts.

Hope this helps!"
Unbelievable detail here. I nominate this for top 10 funniest posts of 2009.

From the ebizzarre site:
Bizarre fact #3029:
Did you know...
Undertakers report that human bodies do not deteriorate as quickly as they used to. The reason, they believe, is that the modern diet contains so many preservatives that these chemicals tend to prevent the body from decomposition too rapidly after death.