They keep going like this and there will be no stripers left.

Maine anglers concerned over striper proposal

October 20, 2009
PORTLAND, Maine—Maine sportsmen say a proposal to expand the commercial catch of striped bass in other states could put a damper on striper fishing in Maine.

The Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission is considering a rule change that would allow unused commercial striped bass quota to be rolled over from one year to the next.

Some anglers and state officials tell the Portland Press Herald that increasing the commercial catch elsewhere could hurt the recreational fishery in Maine, which doesn't allow commercial striper fishing.

A commission subcommittee has concluded the rule change would increase the overall annual catch by less than 2 percent. Most stripers are caught by recreational anglers, who aren't limited by annual quotas.

The commission is scheduled to vote on the proposal Nov. 2 in Newport, R.I.