I was walking off the beach the other night. The moon was getting smaller, and the ambient light wasn't that bad if you let your eyes focus in the dark. My eyesight is getting worse as I get older, so I know what it's like to lean on the use of lighting sometimes.

Even so, you always try to be discreet when others are around, or use the red led if you can.

This guy comes on the beach with a 1 million candlepower flashlight. He was waving it around, and we thought he might be having some kind of trouble.

I walked up to him, said "Hey Bud, are you OK? We saw that light from far away, and I was wondering if you needed help?"

He said:
"Nope, the light is just fine, otherwise how could I see in the dark to get to the beach?"

Brilliant, meanwhile he was blinding everyone whose path he came in contact with.

Here's to you, Bud.