A lot of people laughed this off. If you think about it rationally, it's a brilliant campaign designed ultimately to prevent or restrict us from fishing.

These devious eco-freaks have designed a very intelligent campaign to get into the minds of schoolchildren and get them to think about fish as delicate creatures that they can adopt as pets or feel sorry for.

Make no mistake about it, the obvious intent is to turn the young generations against fishing. A very well placed strategic move in their war against anyone who fishes.

I could merely just say to PETA and the PEW trust people, but have realized that just because I give them an they won't go away.

In fact, they become stronger every year as they place their disciples in key gov't positions.

They get stronger, while we fishermen argue among ourselves.

A key disciple of theirs is Dr Jane Lubchenko, current head of the NOAA. This is the most powerful gov't organization today that has control over fishing rights.

OUR fishing rights.

And this one woman is in a position of power to shut off our rights as easily as someone turns off a light switch.

She has done this several times.

When will she come gunning to shut the striped bass fishing down?

Not possible, you say?
Don't bet your house on it.