I had an extensive conversation today with Tom Clayton, who with his son Tel runs Shoreline B&T in Wall, NJ.

I believe Tom to be a stand-up guy. Although I don't know him well, our conversation touched on many areas, among them the old time plugmakers, the state of striped bass fishing, his passion for collecting old plugs and fishing memorabilia, and some memories of him fishing the Long Branch fishing pier back in the late 1960's and 1970s.

We have some links to his site, and pics some members have posted
www.shorelinebt.com in other threads.

Based on the conversations we had, I'm going to ask our members not to post any more of the specific pics from his site in ANY thread here

As I mentioned, Tom is a very generous guy, and has agreed to let us link to his site in specific instances where the material might be helpful to our members.

He has given me permission to let our members post the links, but NOT the pics. I hope this is clear.

He wants to increase traffic to his relatively new but growing site, and I'm going to try to help him do that.

He recently registered as a member here. His member name is Surfsters.

I'm sure he would be glad to answer any questions any member or guest would have about the old-time plug makers.

He has quite an encyclopedic knowledge of these, and travels around the state at various shows offering free appraisals of old plugs and collections. In addition to that, he has written several in-depth articles for nationally recognized antique plug websites and publications.

So let me be the first to give a warm welcome to Tom Clayton of Shoreline B&T to the site!