I got to meet George and his lovely wife at the Hi-Mar fishing flea market today at the Middletown VFW.

I took some pics of George's impressive inventory of used reels as he was loading them back in the tubs. I'll be posting some pics here along with brief descriptions and prices, a few at a time.

If you want to contact him with questions, feel free to e-mail him at:


Disclaimer and legal stuff:

I'm not representing anything at all as to the performance or durability of the reels in question. I tried to describe the condition as best as I could. All deals are between the buyer and seller, and I cannot accept any responsibility.

That being said, I spent a fair amount of time with George and his wife today. With all the people I've met over the years, I have had to learn how to size people up in business. I can tell you that George seems to me to be very honest, forthright, and a man of integrity. I got a vibe from him and his wife that they were genuinely good people.

George used to sell on e-bay but slowed down because all the fees were too much. I just want to see him get fair pirices for these reels. I inspected every one of them as I took the pic. None of them appeared to be seized up. Some might need some maintenance, but for the most part they looked OK.

George wants the buyer to be aware that the buyer pays shipping. If you know used reel prices, you might agree the prices he's selling them at are more than fair.

Please either buyer or seller notify me when a reel is sold so I can edit the post.

If any potential buyers live close to the Hightstown/Trenton area and want to pick up a reel or reels, you can save on postage.

Good luck. I had a nice time hanging with George and his wife for a bit today.

Note: all reels are spinning reels unless indicated. None of these reels come in a box. Thanks for looking.

He also has a few dozen rods for sale too, all usable, (no custom Lami's) just a bunch of mid range stuff and reels that are perfect to start a kid on fishing.