New regulations aim to protect rockfish
The California Department of Fish and Game announced Wednesday that it will not implement Yelloweye Rockfish Conservation Areas under 2008 groundfish regulations.
The decision was made due to concerns that additional fishing restrictions could have a negative impact on local communities already burdened with salmon closures, according to a news release.
“Because the department is not implementing YRCAs this year, fishermen need to be extra careful to avoid encounters with yelloweye rockfish to reduce the likelihood of an early season closure,” stated DFG Director Donald Koch. “We will implement an early closure if the yelloweye harvest limit is projected to be exceeded.”
Beginning May 1, new recreational fishing regulations will go into effect to prohibit fishing for groundfish in federal waters greater than 120 feet (20 fathoms) deep in northern California, which aim to help protect yelloweye rockfish and canary rockfish.
When the season opened on Thursday, DFG asked anglers to voluntarily restrict fishing for groundfish in state waters to less than 120 feet until state emergency regulations make it official.