The third annual NCPHA Crow Hunt was held last Saturday. We got sun and exercise, and even a few crows. But I think most of all we got some fellowship with like-minded men. There is something about hunting that helps you get to know people. I'm glad I got to know Chuck, Chip, and Tim, and I'm looking forward to meeting and getting to know the rest of the NCPHA guys, too.

We met at McDeath's in Hillsboro at 0700, talked some politics, and then hit the road. Our first stop were some dove fields that Chuck and I had luck in a year or so ago. Unforturnately, a bunch of bunny blasters were chasing their hounds around in those fields.

Tim with dove fields on either side of the alley

We decided to give it a pass for the time being, and come back later.

Next stop was a small knob on top of a hill; not a lot of cover but we could hear a bunch of angry crows all around, so we decided to give her a go.

Tim and Chip suit up

"Hey Chuck, do ALL ghilies come with mice?"

Chuck shows off the new paint job he gave his flambeaus.

We set up our spread and improvised a blind:

One shot; one bandit down. The lone scout fell to Chip's first shot. Must be his military background. Our two native Carolinians decided that maybe Yankees CAN shoot.
Not bad, considering Chip had never shot a crow before. One shot one kill, to use the old chestnut.

Chip with his first 'good' crow.

Onward and upward. We move out to a sizeable clear cut.

At the trailhead

Still some snow up in Caldwell County NC. Must be global warming.

We set out our callers in the clearcut:

Put out a sentry:

And hid in the pines at the top of the hill:

Here's the jonthepain's eye view:
Looking out towards the clearcut:

Tim's in there somewhere on my right:

Chuck and Chip on my left:

The first set of bandits came in from behind us.

Chuck took one of those.
Our fearless leader at the top o' the hill:

We called in several others that circled, but failed to connect.

Tim and Chip pose with another 'good' crow:

That's it for this stand; on to another.