A surfcaster is someone that goes around with determination in his eyes and usually a hook in the back of their waders,we are usually good for a sense of humor but bad for your sense of smell.

Surfcasters come in all sizes... but our stories are always of the tall nature.

A surfcaster will carry 30 lbs. of gear,so we can use every lure known to man to catch a 5 lb. fish.

A surfcaster will spend all day or all night trying to catch a fish and will spend all day or night talking about "The one that got away"

We have Patience & Dedication & also an imagination that could qualify us for the Guinness Book of World Records.

And at the end of a trip battered and bruised,holding a fish that costed $20 a lb. to catch and $8 a lb. to buy we sit back in our smelly waders open a beer...

And again wait for the words that stir our souls.