Some additional thoughts I recently shared.......

The last advice I can leave ya's with for today....
1. There is no substitute for time on the water....Nothing has taught me better...than spending countless hours out there...and making detailed observations in my head which I translate to my fishing log...

2. We are all learning.....the day that I stop learning, and think that I know the day that I no longer need to be on this earth...
Sharing our experiences is great...but you have to realize that when sharing, we may come across in the wrong way..
Since I'm very disappointed about the Coastwide state of striped bass fishing sometimes....I may come across as gruff or blunt...

No one held my hand and taught me step by step how to fish...or gave me detailed tips like I try to give to the new guys...I had to go out there and piece it together..before internet forums were popular...also being fortunate to fish with some of the best old salts out there...along the way.
I respond best to helping when I see some guy out there that is struggling, and wants to work for the fish....just like I was at one time....

3. Don't be afraid to fail, or try different things.. when you are fishing..or in life....I learned more from my failures than successes in life...because they taught me what NOT to do...and when it was not a good time to be out there...

Best of luck this Fall, people!..