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Thread: crusted trout

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2009

    Default crusted trout

    This sounds real good!
    Crusted Trout
    1 2- pound whole trout, gutted, scaled and gills and fins removed
    5 egg whites
    1⁄2 cup water
    5 cups kosher salt
    1⁄4 bunch each fresh thyme and tarragon
    1 lemon

    Whisk the egg whites and water together until frothy in a stainless steel bowl. Add the sea salt into the mixture of egg whites; it should feel like wet sand.

    Stuff the cavity of the fish with the fresh herbs and the sliced lemon. Line a cookie sheet with foil, then lay about two cups of the salt mixture on the foil, spreading it out so it is a little longer then the fish. Place the fish on top of the salt mixture. Cover the fish with the rest of the salt mixture shaping it so it covers the whole fish.

    Pre-heat your oven to 400 degrees and roast the fish for about 35 to 45 minutes. When done crack the crust from the fish, let the fish rest for a couple of minutes then remove the fish gently from the sheet and serve.
    Options: You can substitute with any fresh herbs of your choice.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2010
    New York


    I am tempted to try out that recipe as trout is my one of my favorite sweetwater fish. Thanks for sharing.

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