Memorial Day weekend ushers in new regulations for 3.5 million anglers

  • By ARC Dehooker

Memorial Day weekend brings in new regulations changing the way 3.5 million anglers fish, according to the American Sportfishing Association (ASA). Beginning June 1, Amendment 27/14, a joint plan between the Gulf of Mexico Fishery Management Council, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) and National Marine Fisheries Services (NMFS), will require new federal rules calling for the use of specific devices to reduce the mortality of bycatch, including non-stainless steel circle hooks, venting tools and dehooking devices for all anglers in the Gulf of Mexico.

Aquatic Release Conservation (ARC), of Daytona Beach has developed and patented a solution, the ARC DEHOOKER, a dehooking device meeting the design standards of numerous agencies, including NOAA Fisheries/NMFS. The patented pig-tail curl of the ARC DEHOOKER is the only tool needed to remove internal and external hooks, which meets the specifications for safe removal, and is available in a multitude of sizes to meet requirements. ARC is also the exclusive distributor of the Florida Sea Grant Novak Venting Tool Kit.

Additional fishery conservation partners, including Dr. Guy Harvey and the Guy Harvey Ocean Foundation in Fort Lauderdale, have fully endorsed ARC's product line as the best available products designed to reduce mortality in released hooked fish and other marine animals.

"The goal of Amendment 27/14 is to foster the survivability of unwanted, undersized or endangered Gulf of Mexico species," said Shawn ****, president of ARC. "In partnering with organizations, such as the Guy Harvey Ocean Foundation, we hope to increase the awareness of the conservation message so that future generations can benefit."