this was just posted over at

ok, so i went out to test my theory of dressing to match your surroundings again. i left the dogs at the house and went to a totally new area i had never even seen, muchless hunted. i knew it was a popular spot for leaf lookers so i dressed in plain clothes and headed out with the 12ga and a single hand call. well, i missed one and dropped another..... kinda.... i shot and he staggered his flights turned around and "flew" like a baloon filled with air, smacked into a power line and then dropped to the ground. might i mention i was using 6 1/2 instead of my typical #4 nitro (which i love for crow) and this one was at the edge of my shooting range. well i went got my "downed" bird and headed to the car and then home, with my new friend by my side.... ... well its not to often that you get to turn loose the crow you shot, but this time i did. all that hit the bird was the wadding from my gun :shock: ... it hit the crows wing and crippled it... after playing with him for a lil while i went out side where he hung around for a few minutes and took flight to be shot down another day.... heres the pics. his wing is still a lil limp from the wadd but no blood or wounds anywhere!!!!