Quote Originally Posted by JustEd View Post
The memories of the surf from my younger days haunted me, consumed me, and beckoned me back.
There are many reasons surf casting holds our attention. For me?
Some of the points hold true as stated above. My stomping grounds are rockie and dangerous even on a good day. The best days to be on these points are the days when everyone else is running away from the shoreline. I love the crash of heavy weather pushed curling body crushers on the rocks that sends spray 30 feet over your head. Casting a personally made or made by a freinds custom plug into the rips and wash created by the violent surf. Understanding and expecting the hammering slam of a Large Bass can happen at any time keeps the addrenaline pumping like nothing else.Even getting skunked doesnt matter because you have never felt so alive as when you are so close to this edge.
...The ones that get it are my salty brothers, those that dont, are just people that like to spend some time fishing.

Awesome way of looking at things guy! I totally agree!