Quote Originally Posted by c4charlie View Post
Are all the stripers between 12 and 20lbs so far this year? Haven't caught any smaller fish and I am not complaining, but wondering if there is a decline in juvenile bass.
Hey nice going c4charlie, last night was slow for us, only one bass on bunker 15lbs. The wind like others said was pretty steady and I feel it would have been better if it wasn't. As for the decline in juvenile bass, I believe there are a lot of threads on that on this site, by dark and others, just do a search. I don't know how long you have been fishing. I only have 20 years so far, and don't remember the moratorium that dark and the other guiys talk about. I can say that the last 5 years I have seen a decline in bass, both in bigger fish from the surf and the schoolies. Remember all the schoolies that used to be around in the spring and fall? Well the real small bass are no longer there. I don't know where they went but they are not in NJ. As for the bass sizes, it now seems to me the bass are similar in size. There are nights when we run into lots of keepers but they are all cookie cutter size, 29-33". That doesn't look good for the future.

I hope with the ASMFC findings they really come down hard on striped bass limits and make it only one 28-32" bass allowed for ALL ANGLERS and do away with the bonus tag, As it is, where I fish people are keeping short fish and no one cares about conservation, so we need the federal gov't to do the things that guys are not willing to do themselves. jmo