I was fishing the rocks of a jetty this morning. The fishing just was not happening. Some of the guys there and I got to talking about the tourneys about the striper cup. They said guys were throwing back 25pound bass dead, if they got a bigger one,

What's up with that?
I have some questions for you guys who do this a lot -

1. Why have "kill" tournaments to begin with?

2. Why can't you have a tournament where the size of the biggest fish is posted daily on the internet? That way if the winning fish is 40 pounds, and you catch one that is 30, you know immediately that you won;t win, and you can put it back to breed again.

3. What is the ego trip about these big fish. The guys at the jetty told me about these 2 brothers, the LaGrossa brothers or something like that, who have over 100 big bass over 30llbs for this season already. How many fish can you fit in your freezer?

4. I honestly don't know if I would throw a 40pouind fish back, but for those guys who are going out every day and scoring big, either from the surf or boat, HOW MANY FISH DO YOU NEED? DOES IT MAKE YOU A BETTER MAN THAN THE GUY NEXT TO YOU BECAUSE YOU CAUGHT A BIGGER ONE?