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Thread: X-Tra Meeting about Beach access:

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2008

    Default X-Tra Meeting about Beach access:

    So The people at the DEP have contacted some of the fisherman who attended the public meetings and they wish to talk to us! I will be attending with my friend Joe from Striper Coast Club.We want to go in to this meeting an idea of numbers of fisherman and woman against these changes.We have started an online tally on FB on Help Save NJ Surf Fishing Access,If your a FB person please go and cast your NAY vote!! If not let me know how you feel here.This I believe is our last chance to stop this agenda Please if you value your access rights in NJ PM me and I'll add your name addy and vote to my list!

    I also want to put it out to the club guy's there is strength in numbers we as a fishing community need you club guy's!Please PM me your club name and pres name.I know some of the guy's and have already contacted them.

    Again We need everyone's help here just a NAY vote will go along way in proving our position.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    Deliverance River, NJ


    When is someone going to suggest that folks should take a dump in Commisioner Martin's driveway in LBI. Can we have a vote for that one?

  3. #3
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  4. #4
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    Dec 2008


    Thanks Guy's please PM me your name and addy for my petition list.As of now we have collected around 300 names I'm shooting for 500 or more.Keep em coming!!!


  5. #5
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  6. #6
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    As of now I've only gotten 1 response from S&A forums.I thought I'd get more then that. WOW???

    Come on folks in order to save access we need to stand up!! PM Me your vote,Name and Addy!!!
    Or lose tidal water access.Your choice.


  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2008
    New Jersey


    Quote Originally Posted by fishincrazy View Post
    If your a FB person please go and cast your NAY vote!! If not let me know how you feel here.This I believe is our last chance to stop this agenda Please if you value your access rights in NJ PM me and I'll add your name addy and vote to my list!

    Hey guy no offence but I don't know you from a hole in the wall. I know you have 85 posts here but I checked your history and it seems you have not posted anything in a very long time. I think it's great that you have a facebook account dedicated to this. When Dark and Finchaser and some other guys post up about some issue, they usually try to make it easy for us to help out. They sometmes have a template letter that we can cut and paste, and I'm ok with this. Make it easy for me to be involved, or help, and I will try to..

    But you are asking for our names and addresses, what's up with that?
    I have never seen an online thread on a fishing site where the guy is asking for our names and addresses.
    In this day of internet abuse and spammers everywhere, you can't be too careful. I don't want my name and address to be collected for some mailing list in the future, where I will be sent ads for free Viagra,, and pitches for life insurance. Maybe it's just me, as I said I don't know you, but I tend not to trust people if I don't know them, or at least know about them.

    And, forgive me for being so blunt and no offence meant, but for all I know about you you could be collecting these addresses for your petition, and end up using them after that for some other purpose. No thanks.
    I will say "nay" here because I am against what they are doing with beach access. NAY

  8. #8
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    Mar 2008
    Deliverance River, NJ


    Quote Originally Posted by hookset View Post
    When Dark and Finchaser and some other guys post up about some issue, they usually try to make it easy for us to help out. They sometmes have a template letter that we can cut and paste, and I'm ok with this. Make it easy for me to be involved, or help, and I will try to.
    But you are asking for our names and addresses, what's up with that?
    I have never seen an online thread on a fishing site where the guy is asking for our names and addresses.
    I agree with hookset. I don't need anyone stalking me. I don't mind sending petitions either, as hook said. But just sending out personal info to a stranger? Why? not worth it. And fishincrazy, hope you or dark don't mind my mentioning the other sites you are doing this on. I have seen this thread on at least 3 other sites. I'm all for helping someone, but on that site that says it has 40,000 members, I saw your post where you thanked the guys for the 20 responses you got.

    40,000 members, and 20 responses? Come on, where's the participation there, even if you had 1% response rate, that would have been 400 addresses sent to you. So if you follow that logic, the response rate you are getting is less than 1/20th of a percent. So either people are having the same issues over there and don't want to give out their addresses, or people really don't care about beach access. As hookset said, make it easy for me and I will lend my hand, as I already voted nay in this thread. You cannot ask from people, more than they are willing to give. Just my .02 (Which is better than 1/20th of a %)

    Quote Originally Posted by hookset View Post
    In this day of internet abuse and spammers everywhere, you can't be too careful. I don't want my name and address to be collected for some mailing list in the future, where I will be sent ads for free Viagra,, and pitches for life insurance.
    What's wrong with free viagra? Free is free!

  9. #9
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    Dec 2008


    OK so the issue of beach access to you is secondary to the fact I don't post on this site enough?
    As far as people participating in fighting this access issue,I could give a crap if you hookset,or Bababooey want to be involved or not just when you loose access to your favorite spots don't expect anyone to do anything about it.As far as asking for names and addy's yea I'm setting these people up to rob them or stalk them??? Are you outta your mind?????

    I don't care what anyone thinks of me I will not loose access!!!!!I've met personally with the DEP and they are set to give each town full authority over who goes on their beaches,sod's,jetty's!Are you willing to let the same people who shine flashlights on us throw rocks at us,and yes even shoot bottle rockets at us decide if we're good enough to use their access points to the areas we want to fish in????If you have a better idea on how we can do this please I'm all ears and would love the input!A group of us representing clubs,and groups involved in fishing are fighting this to make it better for all who use the tidal waters in NJ.If you just want to criticize what we're trying to do then stay outta our way.On the other hand if you want to help fight this then man up and stand up and offer solutions and ideas we can use to win this fight. OR you could just sit back and come down on me for doing it.Your choice!

    Hope you enjoy your summer fluking and your fall run cause in NJ next spring might not be what you've come to expect access wise.When this thing passes (which the tell us it is going to) everyone who uses the tidal water will be affected in some way.I guess if our effort isn't enough at that time the same people who complained about me wanting names will complain that I didn't do enough!

    The entire fishing community seems to be sitting back and watching,being complacent about this issue won't make it go away,but it could ruin our future access,and kill the passion which drives us to the beach!


  10. #10
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    Deliverance River, NJ


    Quote Originally Posted by fishincrazy View Post
    I could give a crap if you hookset,or Bababooey want to be involved or not just when you loose access to your favorite spots don't expect anyone to do anything about it.As far as asking for names and addy's yea I'm setting these people up to rob them or stalk them??? Are you outta your mind?????
    let's look at this:
    Sandy Hook about 10 years ago, they closed off the north beach trail, I believe it was. (Not sure of the exact area because I don't do much surf fishing up at that God-forsaken mosquito pit) Sudsy and the Shark river club were a big force to get it open again. Did they ask for names and addresses?


    Lake Takanassee losing access, rallying the troops. Sudsy was all over this one and got the mayor to back down and DEP to mandate access. Was he asking for names and addresses?


    The latest DEP fiasco, from what I have read here and on other sites, people went to the meeting in LBI. Did Sudsy or any other group (NJBBA, etc) ask for names and addresses?


    So why is it all these other folks can get it done and get support, without getting names and addresses? I don't care if you are legitimate or not, no one else had needed to do it in the past, and here you come with your "visions of change" asking for names and addresses?

    The last time I heard about "change is good", Obama was elected and now our country is in the toilet.

    Something smells to me, and it isn't the 3 day old fish in my trash can.

    I try to help dark, finchaser, and any of these people on the websites as best as I can. Ask me to write a letter (that's already been written for me, and all I have to do is cut and paste, and I will). Ask me to send an e-mail, and I will.

    Because I have a problem with your method of doing things, you get your panties in a bunch? Have at it dude.
    As for access, I don't fish the surf that often. When I do fish it, I fish areas that have always had access. I don't crawl around on the jetties at night like dark and you other surf rats. If I want to take my family to the beach,. I buy seasonal beach badges, and we can go whenever we want. Never a problem getting access for us. So you want me to care about this access thing as much as you do, AND you want all of our addresses. You should be thankful that people are willing to help you to the extent you do, and not whine that the help wasn't enough or up to your standards. Not cool dude, very ungrateful of you, in my opinion.

  11. #11
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    OK Bababooey Your right!I should just roll over and forget the whole thing.Who cares if some people loose access?You know tidal water access includes all tidal water rivers,bay's,and outfront.But I guess since you don't fish on the beach that area doesn't matter so much to you.Do you fish the back????Well guess what that's gonna be the first to go.

    In the last meeting with the DEP we discussed keeping access open on all fronts and where promised with a wink and a nod that beach access would remain as close to what we have now as it possibly could.The DEP wouldn't say any such thing about the back.In fact it seems they really don't give a hoot about any tidal water other then the beach.

    As far as people helping me I am but a part of a much larger group which includes over 50 different organizations from the state of NJ,It was our thought that names and addy's would persuade local state representatives to cast their eye's toward our access plight.If there is a better way to represent where people are from I'm all ears.Maybe just joe smoe form this town NJ?? I dunno??When they see their constituents battling something their passionate about they step up and lend a hand through new legislation.You can think what you want about me,but don't for the sake of tidal water access don't pass this issue off.It will come back to bite you in the a$$.

    Finally Rich knows exactly what I posted here,why don't you ask him if he thought I was a quack,ungrateful and all why didn't he just delete this thread or lock it down???I wonder HMMMMMM?????????Maybe because he along with 1,000's of other beach goers and tidal water users are scared to death that all of our freedom to enjoy NJ's beautiful water front areas for recreation will go away.That's all I've got to say. I wish you luck and God speed!


    For the record I cast my NAY vote
    Jim Hill
    326 Station ave

    put me on a list please

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Mar 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by fishincrazy View Post
    IAre you willing to let the same people who shine flashlights on us throw rocks at us,and yes even shoot bottle rockets at us decide if we're good enough to use their access points to the areas we want to fish in????
    if u r letting ppl shoot bottle rockets at you u r a wimp, lol. if someone ever did that to me i wud go over to them rip one out of thier hand, light it and aim it straight for their balls. they wud never do that again, and i am covered under the law because they went after me first. fight fire with fire i say

  13. #13
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    Dec 2008


    Let's just say when the police got there I was the only one able to tell the story.


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