While we are on the metal lip subject all of them need to be tuned after they are built I'm sure the 1st. way you all know bending the line tie up or down to get it to swim deeper or higher but in some cases the lip itself needs to be adjusted ever so slightly if it is still not swimming correctly not alot it will be small increments because if you go too far you will probably never get the lip back the right way again and the lip will need to be changed but the key consideration is every builder designs their plug to do different things for different conditions shape wise weight wise even sneak a different lip in there I actually just threw the last 2 surfsters in a container of water to see what the difference would be with the lefty lip compared to the surfster lip the lefty made it sit just a 1/4 lower in the front so when it swims I should have more bite as long as the butt don't come out of the water too far.Something else to think about is these lips are getting dropped banged pulled in and out of surf bags this all takes a toll on them so the next time that plug isn't swimming right give it a quick check.