There are some other kayak safety threads here, good ones.

I don't mean to take away from those, as they can stand on their own.
I thought it might be a good idea to have a thread about the small things, that many of us may not think about or ignore from time to time.

They don't have to be paragraphs, diagrams, or pages long like you usually see from me.

Just common sense advice for kayakers, even if you're not a kayaker, (maybe you're a boater, surfer etc) or you see them on the water and have had some ideas that would keep them more safe.
To that end, there will be no criticizing others suggestions. If it's not feasible or it really would prove to be dangerous, please, by all means, point that out.

But let's not ridicule someone for trying to help, just because you don't like the way they phrased their suggestion. I've seen too much of that on other sites and don't have the tolerance or patience for it here.

Thanks guys and gals, for any help or advice you can share.