by:Nat Van - Essortment

The blue Marlin is a large that naturally lives in saltwater. The average weight of the blue Marlin ranges from 100 to 500 lbs. They have an average body length of six to ten feet and can be found mainly in the Pacific, Indian and Atlantic oceans. They are well known for their amazing strength, which is only exceeded by the giant bluefin tuna. Once a blue Marlin is landed, the fight will be one you will remember for the rest of you days. The blue marlin has a pointy nose, dark fins and a white belly. They like tropically warm temperatures and are usually found in deep waters. They are easier to catch on clear days, when the water is clear as well. Don’t right after a storm since the fishing tends to be poor when the water is murky.

In the wild the blue marlin feeds on cero, mullet, whole ballyhoo, dolphin, flying fish, bonito, skipjacks, squid, Spanish mackerel and other ocean creatures. Of course any of these or combinations of, will make an excellent bait. The blue marlin prefers hooked bait to artificial lures probably because it can smell a potential meal when the bait is natural. The only problem is that you have to catch the bait before you catch the actual fish! But a solution to this is to buy the bait frozen from bait companies or your local supermarket. The artificial bait the blue marlin seems to prefer are softheads and konas but the most important part is that the bait is one that looks lifelike, alive and appetizing.

Once technique is to catch bonito first, then hooking them through the top of the eye socket. They will now still swim and stay alive for hours making the catch of the blue marlin much easier. All you have to do is lead the bonito to the blue marlin
and he will do the rest. When doing this make sure you have at least half the line on still. The blue marlin will fight and try to pull you under. Keep wheeling the line in after the blue marlin has struck the bait. If you notice that the line seems very taunt give the marlin some more line. One of the greatest reasons for loosing the blue marlin is that the line breaks because the fisherman didn’t judge the tension correctly. The hook might also not be anchored enough to support the amazing mass of the blue marlin.

Make sure you have the correct equipment with you to fish for the blue marlin. Because of their exceptionally high weight bundled together with much strength you will need to bring the best equipment available. You need a stand-up class rod, one that is thick enough to withstand large amounts of tension without breaking. Make sure it is elastic and not brittle. Don’t buy a rod that is longer then six feet long or shorter then 5 feet. This type of rod will give you the leverage you need to fish for the blue marlin. The reel should also have a proven drag. Make sure you have at least 400 to 600 feet of line available and use a very strong line. Use a harness to fasten yourself to the boat. The blue marlin is usually averaging a weight of about 300 pounds so you need to make sure that he can’t pull you under. You may also prefer to sit or even use a reel that is attached to the boat so you won’t be in danger.

Usually an ultrasound sensor is used to spot where the blue marlin is. Usually he follows large schools of fish or seabirds and even whales. When you spot a blue marlin following a school of fish, drop the bait behind the schools to get the blue marlin to run into your lure. Do not drive the boat directly into the school of fish or the fish will scatter. Also keep track of the position of theto ensure that the sun is facing away from the marlin. He will not be able to see the bait if the sun is behind it. Surface trolling is usually used to fish for blue marlin. A good speed is between eight and ten knots. At eight knots you will hook more fish, but at ten knots more fish are raised. If the sea conditions are rough, go slower then that, since the fish will go slower in that type of weather.

If you feel that you are loosing the fight and you are starting to tire out rather then the fish tiring, it might be a good idea to cut the line. The marlin can hold up for extremely long times and you shouldn’t put yourself into danger since the fight will demand every shroud of your strength and intelligence. Once you have landed the blue marlin it will be once of the best feelings you have experienced as a fisherman. Take a picture, show your friends and freeze many of the juicy steaks in your freezer for many meals to come. And most of all enjoy your experience.