Yes very nice there are capts in the rb saying the bass run is the best ever. Ask them how many bass there are and they will say more than ever. A lot of them can't think beyond this week. They forget that everything is later this year because of sandy, the colder winter and the longer time it took the bay to heat up. The fish are fattening up before the long trip up the hudson and could be gone in a day or a week. Then when there are no sustained spring blitzes for weeks like years past maybe the reality will sink in.
It's like what we use to call being ******-rich. Pardon the term I don't mean anything bad by it. When someone has no money they complain about being poor all the time. Then they hit the lottery and win 25,000. They go on a wild spending spree because they forgot what having no money was like. When the good times are over they are back to whining again. I think a lot of folks look at the striped bass this way. Pary now. Get while the getting is good. I call those types golfers because it's just a game to them. I agree with you hookset. It is good to run across the few capts that are completely honest even to a fault. Many will not allow their name to be associated with a statement like the one your friend made for fear of further regs on the fishery.