Well I have a week vacation, last day of work was friday. Could not fish this am because power problems and can't leave wife at home alone with 5 cats and a bird and a new hip and new knee (that's what she told me so I did not fish). So picked up a bunch of branches outside this morning, found big branch broken in tree 15 feet high, stuck there. Thought better get it down, could fall on a kid. Threw brick at it, no good. Great idea, SS popper, 2 3/8 oz, big hooks, tied it to 50 lb PP, threw it at the branch. Never left my hand. Embedded hook (and barb) into pinky. Went to wife's sons house with bolt cutters, he cut the hook so SS plug was not dangling. Went IMC , xrays, said go to hospital. At hospital as I write this, needed something to do while waiting. Yup googen of the year, should have thrown that plug with my lami. Rough start to my vacation, a frieking snow storm and googen judgment LOL, is that the correct spelling for googen?