Hey xtreme I was a newbie too. I came to this site and the guys gave me a lot of advice. Some of it I didn't like because they made me work for it. Finchaser, Monty, Surfwalker, and a lot of other guys. Especially Dark because he is like a darn drill sergeant. But I began to see that it was all good and I learned allot here. They busted me and teased me too, all part of the process. I will say that making me work to learn the things I did taught me a lot more than if someone just handed it to me. Now when I go out there I don't feel like a newbie anymore and I try to put what I learned at Sandy Hook into practice in other places. With all the dredging they are doing we have to step up the game to still be able to catch.

Next year I want to conquer the rocks and learn the jetties. I see that you fish in the inlets sometimes. Do you ever go out on the front and fish with korkers? That is something I definitely want to add to my skill set. So welcome, and good luck!