Looks like the bass may be around for another few days, (or minutes, according to OGB....

I thought for those of us who are truly addicted, I would post up a thread dedicated to winter fishing....

whether ya fish for......

bass till there are ice on the guides, your fingers in stages of hypothermia....(happened to me last night, toes got wet, painful hypothermia for sure.....)

tog on the wrecks....or inlets...

herring in the harbors and inlets...

Cod out of Block Is or Montauk...

sunnies in the local pond (before it freexes)

pike, pickerel, bass, perch, and crappie through the ice...

or sailfish, roosters, amberjack and tarpon in the tropics

even if you fish your local river for carp! (great sport in Jan and Feb, we used to do it every year....)

(Or, in the case of Vpass... the occasional alligator to alleviate the boredom of catching those small 15lb largemouths in Fla....

Or Monty, who fishes for a new path in his backyard when the HD rental truck gets stuck.... )

We wanna hear it!
Post the story, weave the web...help the guys and gals here stay sane with a taste of something related to fishing......thanks folks!!