Yeah, he is an imposter. He used to carry a googan bucket for a long time. You can probably find it on the internet somewhere. Learn from others, but the only thing he can teach you is how to sleep on the road in a public toilet.
Love ya anyay, Dark, you tap into the laugh bank with every new venture out there.

If you know him you should realize we have to bust him to keep him in line. If he starts getting too big for his britches he will go pro on us and the old Darkskies will lose his luster. To be honest I kind of liked the original version when he was the protector of truth and justice all over the internet but he seems to have mellowed out since he got old. Oh the fights he used to get into with people, those were the days, bags of popcorn. He doesn't even take my troll bait anymore.
Welcome to the site, Vegas.